Favorable weather conditions allow starting agricultural works in the Ararat Valley. Some communities have begun laying out and trimming its gardens. If the weather does not change drastically, we can say that agricultural year has started earlier in the Ararat valley.
Parallel to the agricultural works, the number of “Land for Sale” signs is being increased. In addition, the cultivated soils are almost absent along some areas like Parakar – Zvartnots highway, and abundance of “Land for Sale” signs creates profitable opportunities for the buyers to choose.
Why does farmer sell his last means of living and how is he going to feed his family? Many authorities blame farmers for being lazy. Nevertheless, the reasons are much deeper and need urgent solution at state level.
However, some reasons on why farmers refuse to cultivate their soils can be marked out.
1. Prices of irrigation water – There are very few countries where irrigation water is sold to villagers. Based on the specific plants villagers annually have to pay 60-110 thousands AMD for irrigation water. The price of it ranges from 13, 5 to 15 AMD per cubic meter. But water price is 5 luma in the sphere of fishing industry.

2. High percentages of agricultural loans – We toured in the banks providing agricultural loans and found out that annual percentages of agricultural loans were between 20 and 24 percent. Those percentages are beyond any logic and the banks’ justifications are based on the sphere of agriculture being very risky. However, talks about risks should be out of the question in case of mortgage.

3. Sale of agricultural products – This problem has been the essential factor hindering the development of agriculture. Let us bring some examples. In summer 2012, agricultural farms sold potatoes in 25-40 AMD per kg, plum in 30 AMD per kg and apricot in 35-50 AMD per kg. Many farmers did not even harvest in Armavir marz. Consequently, the sale prices do not allow the farmers to return at least half of what they spent.
Machinery, pesticides, seeds of poor quality and high prices of fertilizers can be involved in the above mentioned list. Notwithstanding, all the problems can be solved if the state shows appropriate assistance to the agriculture.